Monday, 30 May 2011

Perth; A home stop

Simon signing in;

Well, it has been one week since we arrived in to Australia and it has been very productive.

Since our arrival, Rein and I have managed to restart our lives here with our new bank accounts, tax file numbers and new local telephone numbers. The tax file numbers will be needed if Rein and I suddenly find some paid work whilst we are here. We both feel it would be good if we get a job to earn a little cash to help pump into our funds along the way.

Also within the past week, Rein and I have purchased a HUGE truck of a 4-wheel drive. Well, it is not the biggest you can buy, but compared to what we have had before, it is huge. We managed to buy the truck from a dear New Zealand woman for a great price (we hope; I have nightmares imagining she is the world's greatest con artist and she sold the world's most abused car to a couple of European suckers) and it is in great condition and we intend on keeping it in good condition and selling it for the same (if not more) up north after we're done with it. This has always been the plan but you never know your luck.

The new truck

This week also has been a scary realisation for me. Perth, or (I think) more so Rockingham, where my parents live, brings back scary recollections of my childhood and life when I was living here and it shows me why I left. When I'm back here I inadvertently switch back to a conformist, concerned with what everyone thinks, doing as everyone else does. This could be seen as just reconnecting to who I was, but I feel it is more a case of regressing back to my old personality before I discovered 'who I am' and why I had to leave. I knew then that I had to live in a more liberal place where bogans and surfer 'dudes' do not rule the roads in their ridiculous V8 cars and scruffy appearances, where life does not revolve around football, shopping malls and fast food take away. I know that I feel like this every time I visit my family here and I respect my family for living here but I know that I am not yet ready to live here, back in the state I came from. I am also aware that I cannot keep running from it, that there is something I need to face in order to see all this fear as something else, but at this moment, I just cannot. But is this fear just Perth?

As you all may or may not be aware, Rein and I are about to depart on one of the great drives of the world (well, I believe it is, and many Aussie would agree), hence the truck. The plan is to leave next week for our next volunteering role in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. For anyone not aware, this is a four straight day drive taking in well over 3,300 kms. We of course will not do it all in this time, but will take our time and take in the sights on the way. On this journey we plan to camp in tents (yes, tents) and live simply for a while. We have been accumulating a pile of stuff for our journey as well as my parents have been incredible in helping us out. We have it all, I believe, and will be ready as much as humanly possible.

We will be traveling from Perth in the SW corner of the state,
all along the coast towards Kununurra in the far NE corner.

Our intended itinerary

The drive should be amazing and the landscape inspiring. We have heard that because it is winter here in Australia, that many a grey haired 'nomad' will by now be living in and around the north area of the state so we will perhaps struggle to find places to camp for the night, but I hope this will be the least of our problems.

A comparison in size: Western Australia versus Western Europe (for the men in us all)

Before we leave on this epic journey, we will be travelling to Melbourne for a lightening visit. It was not scheduled but we suddenly were asked to join our friends and their families for their marriage, and we could not of course escape the fact we are only a few hours away, to fly and join them. It will be great to be back in Melbourne after two years since our last visit. It will also be fantastic to catch up with so many people we have not seen since the same time.

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